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The “natural” Bridal makeup.

22 Nov

Today we start the winter blogging with a bang 😉

I wanted to take a few minutes this afternoon to dispel a few myths I’ve seen and heard floating about for those client’s that are thinking about that “natural” looking Make-up application for their wedding day…

There is often a huge misconception,  that brides who want a natural looking makeup for their wedding day should have it cost far less than say a bride who would like a more dramatic wedding day makeup look.

This is something, many of us Bridal Beauty vendors seem to hear a lot of, or see posted in the bridal forums, from brides who aren’t aware of what’s involved in a basic natural bridal makeup look. Many assume because the look isn’t heavily applied, or using “darker” color schemes that it must be easy to achieve and that “less” makeup is used.

The reality; Wrong!

A “natural looking” makeup application, is a skill set all in itself, that unfortunately many artists may not possess. There are artists out there that spend YEARS Perfecting this particular application technique!

It’s often far more time consuming to achieve, AND uses the same amount of product, if not more in some cases! The products used are often the same, and overall they still cost the same to purchase and use.

The more natural looking an application is, the more attention is need to the finer details.

It’s more so now about perfecting the look of the skin as a main focal point, with extra attention paid to sculpting the features of the face with contour and highlight so it doesn’t fall flat for pictures.

Then into any adjustments to further camouflage areas you don’t want to see, dark circles, blemishes, etc. and ensuring the right tones are used.

Extra attention will also be turned to the brows, to help sculpt them in to frame the face, filling in any sparse areas for a balanced yet natural looking brow.

The softer looking a makeup style is, the more focal point areas there is for someone to view, over say someone who might opt for a bolder smoky eye style to draw direct attention right the eye area as a main focus and/or away from any problematic or areas of concern.

A secondary thing to understand is now the photos itself and how it translates…

You can often lose about a 1/3 of what you see looking in the mirror when it’s then translated in your photos. Those bride’s with set-ups that are outdoors under the glare of the sun can fade out even more in some cases!

It’s about knowing where and how to place the makeup on the face to give a beautiful natural look.

Yes, of course you want to look naturally beautiful in person but let’s not forget the thousands of dollars you’re spending on photography for your wedding day too. At the end of it all, this is the only thing you get back and what becomes your last memory of the big day. You want to make sure you’re looking your very best!

Often that soft look you see in photos, is far darker and more involved when face to face, Your hired artist, will blend both areas to accommodate what not only fits your needs and ideals, but what will photograph beautifully too.

It’s not simply about putting less makeup on your face; Naturally with the same amount of time spent during application, products being used, etc. this is why you won’t find huge price differences, as often its far more intensive.

So remember at your bridal makeup trial when you ask your makeup artist for a “natural look”, be clear on your direction with reference images and know just what’s involved to get you looking naturally fresh and beautiful with that “no makeup” style look!

For examples of all makeup styles, visit us online:
…or follow along with us on Pinterest as we showcase all sorts of fabulous bridal details from Hair and Makeup images, to Decor/Details, Floral, Cakes and more!

Dark under eye circles got you down?

5 Aug

Many things are contributing factors when it comes to  the causes and appearance of Dark circles and puffy under eyes including; Genetics, Fluid retention, Lack of sleep, dehydration, Iron deficiency, Stress,  Medications/Drug/Alcohol/ use as well as Smoking…. to the very foods you’re likely consuming.

Dark circles in some people can actually be a sign of toxin build up in the body and sometimes a sign of an allergy to foods, but also possible Kidney and Sinus problems as well.

What may work for one person, may not for another, as varying degrees of darkness/puffiness are a factor as will be skin tones/ethnicity. So I will include a few options, so no matter where you sit on the “dark circle scale” hopefully we can give you a few options to check out!

Let’s start shall we:

Of course we have the ever popular and universal use of Cucumber Slices. Raw potato slices contain potassium and also work well to take away dark circles under the eye.

Secondary to those options are cooled Green tea bags or the use of Rose water.

Cold spoons are also a great quick fix, just be careful they aren’t so cold they stick to the skin!

A few less commonly know options to treat under eye circles; Potato juice, Almond oil, Lemon juices, Crushed Mint and Figs.

Many of our wonderful South Asian clients have shared with us this one…

*Mixtures are approximate*

  • 1 tsp tomato juice
  • 3-4 drops of lemon juice
  • a pinch of turmeric powder
  • enough white flour to make a paste

Mash these ingredients together into thick paste and dab it under your eyes. Let sit for 10-15 minutes, then wash away.

Turmeric and pineapple juice is another common mixture we’ve had recommended to us.

For puffy eyes there’s also the ever so popular Preparation H use too (Cream or Gel. NOT Ointment)

Remember that sleep plays a huge role in the appearance of dark circles.  So getting ample rest is one of your best lines of defense in taming those dark circles!

Some other really great ways to minimize dark circles under the eyes are Vitamin E and Vitamin C. Diet plays a very important part in dark circle prevention so remember to include a decent amount of vegetables in your diet too.

Good luck.

If you have an tips you’d like to share that have worked for you, or products you love and swear by, please feel free to leave a comment below.

The way you sleep = Fine lines!

15 Feb

Here’s a quick fact for today for those of you that sleep on your stomach.

It has been jokingly said by many famous Hollywood starlets dating as far back as the early 1900’s, that lying on your stomach to sleep at night is bad for a ladies “beauty sleep.”

They were right!

The average human head weighs  approximate 7 to 8 pounds… That is a lot of pressure to be putting on your face every night, day after day, for an average of 7 hours or more.

So much in fact, many dermatologists say they can actually tell what side of the face people sleep on by the number of wrinkles that are present on the face.

Just something to think about before you head to bed tonight!

Myth Busters: Sunscreen

9 Dec

“Why do I need Sunscreen in the winter time or when it’s cloudy outside?”

Believe it or not UV Rays are actually just as present when it’s cloudy out as they are on a hot summers day!

Though we may not feel the standard “burn,” it does still damage our skin significantly.

According to the Academy of Dermatology, almost one in five is expected to develop some type of skin cancer in his or her lifetime.

Clouds can be quite deceptive in many people’s ideas and perceptions because many feel that they block the infrared rays because they can’t feel that warmth. Depending on the cloud cover, yes, some of the rays are blocked and bounced back, but on just an average cloudy day they still only shut out about 20 percent of the ultraviolet rays that cause you to burn.

Sun exposure can lead to many things from the standard skin burn of course, but also the long term effects such as pre-mature aging and skin problems such as Melanoma.

Personally speaking I have seen many friends now my own age and even in their early 20’s have cancerous spots removed with some “results” of these spots not playing out how most of us would hope for in such a situation.

Many of them avid tanning bed users or sun-fanatics during the summer months. Though what many do not realize is that most of our “damage” from the sun is done when we are younger, but by continuing into our adult years, we openly add to this and break down the skin even further setting ourselves up to possibly develop cancer.

Though I openly admit I too was a “chronic” tanner for most of my teen years, I no longer “tan.”  If I feel the need for a little “glow,” I rely mainly on make-up and self-tanning products instead.

Watching friends of mine deal with skin cancers really does wake you up to the realities of improper skincare, which is now why I’m quite the advocate with my services and the use of skin protection.

No one wants to go through it and they hope it won’t happen to them, but you never know!

So do your skin that little favor and use some sunscreen as part of your daily beauty regime.

With many different options available in your beauty products from SPF Foundations, tinted moisturizers, Primers and more… buying a multi product containing protectors in it is both a smart choice and can actually save your life!

Myth Busters: Make-up and Bedtime

22 Nov

“I heard that sleeping with your make-up on isn’t actually as bad as people tell you it is…I forget all the time!”


One of the best pieces of advice many of us ladies have been told since we started wearing make-up was “wash your face before bed”

Statistics actually show that you can age up to seven times more and at a faster rate if you go to bed each night with makeup on!

During your sleep, the left over particles of makeup not only trap into pores and can cause skin irritation and un-necessary break-outs, It also tugs and tears at the skin, breaking it down faster and leaving you prone to pre-mature aging, especially around the eyes!

Even worse yet is not removing your mascara and eyeliners, as this leaves lash mites and other bacterias, HARDENED onto the areas and can cause both infection and micro damaging to the eyes!

While sleeping particles can break off into small fragments and become logged in the eye while sleeping.  Not removing your mascara can also cause your lashes to become brittle, break off and fall out easier!

By not removing your mascara at night it now leaves your eyes open to possible infections and general irritations. Worse yet, it can lead to slight micro tears to the eye from leftover hardened bits of your mascara that get trapped in and around the area while you sleep, which can have very damaging effects and even lead to blindness!

So do your face the favor and remove ALL Make-up before heading to bed. Your skin will thank you for it later…

Myth Busters: Mascara (Part 1)

17 Oct

Today I am covering the first of a few postings I will be doing pertaining to the use of Mascara, as this is one area that holds alot of very important information that many do not know about. This area is also one of the most important in the Make-up field both for general application knowledge but also health and safety!

This question was sent in to me by Ann, “I’ve been told I should never apply mascara to bottom lashes as it casts a shadow, what is your take on that?”

Though this statement can be considered true in some cases (Example: Like under select high end professional studio lighting on a photoshoot)

For most average persons ‘day wear’ make-up this is Fiction.

If you apply mascara to your top lashes, you should apply it to the bottom ones also. This adds balance to the eyes and the make-up done, but also helps shape your eyes. Otherwise the eyes can tend to fall flat when they have a heavy application above and nothing below to balance it.

This will often create a visual ‘line’ for the upper portion but leave a blank canvas on the bottom, which can cause some individuals to look tired and draw attention to any “under eye flaws”

Mascara will typically only cast a shadow if it is smudged or runs, or in some cases, is applied in such a heavy manor that it clumps predominantly on each individual lash. To avoid this, try using a waterproof and smudge proof mascara that can stand up against things that cause these problems such as sweating and tearing up.

Another option that can be used is a lighter mascara on the bottom lashes to define them gently without taking away from the presence of the upper lashes!

Myth Buster: Age and Shimmers

13 Oct

I often hear this comment from some of my mature clientele.

“Ive heard Mature ladies cannot wear shimmery/frosty makeup”

This is false!

Shimmery makeup can be worn at any age, but what’s more important is how you wear it!

True, you may want to wear a little less as you get older, but that doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t. It should also be noted that there is a difference between “Shimmer” and “Frosty” make-up products. Shimmer is typically smaller is sizing, similar to a dust and more of a light wash, where as Frost is typically larger particles that can appear more grainy in textures….You’ll usually see this if the make-up flakes or breaks apart easier when you swipe it with your brushes.

The reason behind this comment is:

If a shimmer and/or Frosty make-up is used incorrectly and in the wrong areas, it tends to ‘age’ you more, regardless of how old you may actually be! This is mainly due to the fact that often shimmer/frosty particles will ‘settle’ in fine line areas such as the eyelids, outer eye areas and deep lines around the mouth. The particles then settle and reflect light drawing direct attention to areas that many wish not to exaggerate…basically acting like a direct visual flagging to the areas in contact with the shimmer!

Helpful tip:

If you love the shimmers, try using small hints of it in selected areas rather than an all over wash, or yet, even more distracting when paired with other shimmery products amongst the face such as a shimmery cheek and a frosty pink lip!

Ideas of use could be in areas such as the corner of the eyes to brighten,  lightly dusted across the cheek bones to add a soft and sexy glow, or even placed onto the center of the lips for a little extra alongside your lipstick or gloss.

The key thing to remember at ANY AGE Is that too much shimmer will have you looking like a disco ball and draw direct attention to all the areas in which you are trying to cover and/or hide.   Worse yet it can photograph terribly causing you to look shiny and sweaty as it reflects light, as well as exaggerate acne, dark circles and fine lines.

Myth Busters.

13 Oct

Welcome to our Myth Busters section of our website!

I have started this section as a way to educate and correct some of the common myths I often overhear from new clients and when I’m out and about.

Some of the areas that we will cover here are complete “Make-up Myths”… others however may be more a case of Fact verses Fiction. From Skincare, Make-up, Hair and more join us as we uncover these Beauty Myths!